Friday, July 25, 2008

Shout Outs!

The last couple of days have been pretty good, and there are a few people and groups that can contributed to the goodness. So I've got some shout outs to give.

My first shout out goes to the men and women of the South African Postal Service, for allowing my allergy medicine to make it through customs. My parents sent if off before the 4th of July, and I got it this week, the day after my Veramyst ran out. Now I must admit that I was pretty upset when I received the letter saying that my meds might be sent back or destroyed by the SA Dept. of Health. I was planning on going to Cape Postal Center with a bag of dust, which I planned to sniff, and proceed to violently sneeze on everybody I saw. But I got my medicine, so such acts of violence weren't necessary.

My second shout out goes to the other members of Team America, along with members of the French Connection, and the German (Isabel) for putting together this weekend's road trip down the garden route. I'm really excited about it!!!

That's all for now, the matric scores are in. Gotta run!!

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